Wednesday, 9 October 2019


The African child like any other infant is a ray of hope.

 Children are a heritage of God. They are a blessing to the mothers and the pride of a father. The parents are always joyful at the arrival of a new baby as it signifies the fruitfulness of Man. The sweat of the night has yielded something special.

  The child is welcomed to the family and grows up amid every struggle. The child learns patience. This starts with the withheld anger while waiting for their siblings to choose their piece of meat while sitting together. Love is a pain! The child is vulnerable around his family. In that small circle, the family bond is formed. Responsibility is assigned. To each, his assignment. The lesson of collective strength and bond as a family is taught to the siblings in the family. There is always that sibling who will find it hard to complete a task. The child learns to help. To the one who refused to work, he is disciplined. The child knows what it means to love. He knows what it means to battle fear and talk to the girl who means the world to him. At that moment, love is pure and untainted. The African child is contented. The African child sees the joy on the face of his father, during every bountiful harvest and the long sad face, when something goes wrong with the
  The African child knows that life is like rolling dice. Sometimes things are like ice while some other time, things are rolling nicely. Sometimes he falls, sometimes he feels like he won't prevail. Through it all, the African child is still incredible. Through it all, he has learnt a lesson.


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