Tuesday 19 February 2019


What is sugar?
 Sugar is a substance extracted from plants like sugarcane and sugar bead which is refined into white crystalline substances. They have an effect on bloodstream insulin and brain
Why is sugar addictive?
 It is addictive because they cause a supernatural release of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is the primary neurotransmitter involved in addiction. Studies have shown that sugar can substitute addictive drugs like cocaine. Cutting sugar out may lead to depression and behavioural disorders such as ADHD, refined sugar and opioid drugs trigger a similar response from the brain's reward system, both releasing dopamine, and other pleasure-inducing chemicals.

 Getting used to this feeling leads to a craving for more to get the same response, leading to addiction.
Consuming sugar produces effects similar to that of cocaine, altering mood by inducing reward and pleasure

   It can be more rewarding and attractive. The brain chemistry of those addicted to a drug and those addicted to sugar are virtually similar. In this article, I will be listing out steps to breaking a sugar addiction.

Realize what's going on with your brain-body and sugar
 People stop taking candy bars and chocolate bars and trade them for basic snacks such as buns, egg rolls, and bread. The brain is still getting its fix on dopamine release from these items and it is causing all the negative effects. If you really want to break addiction you have to understand how the brain works and seeks out sugar.
Understand levels of addiction
 Not everyone who drinks becomes an alcoholic the same way that people who consume products with sugar, become a sugar addict. We all have different brain chemistry and the important thing is recognizing your level of addiction. If just giving up sugar feels so bad to you, you have a lot of work to do. This is similar to how cocaine addicts and other addicts feel about the drugs they abuse. It's very likely that you are not so deep into it
You need to detox 
 This can take from 3 to 21 days. Detoxification is always so hard but it's always good at the other side.
Work on your nutrition
 Sugar hides in places you would not expect. Ice cream, bread, cakes, and juice. Reading nutritional levels help big time.
Balance blood sugar levels by eating balanced meals
 Eat balanced meals to keep your blood sugar level normal. You do this by eating meals that combine protein, fibre and healthy fats full stop example eat beans carbs and source your sugar from fruits like oranges, pineapples, apples, and strawberries. Remember proteins + fibre help a whole lot.

Reduce your cravings
 Most people who are sugar addicts crave for sweet things like chocolate, candies, and cookies. Start paying attention to what you eat. You can do this by
Eating balanced meals
Avoiding sugar/processed foods
Healthy Probiotics 

  Pay attention to other sugars full stop have you tried switching to honey? It is better than processed sugar. Taking fruits like apples, oranges, mangoes go a long way while breaking sugar addiction. This is because they contain
·        FIBER
·        WATER
·        VITAMINS
·        MINERALS 
 We should be very careful about what we eat. Talk to your physician and stay healthy. 

Monday 4 February 2019


 Ampiclox is a penicillin derived broad spectrum antibiotic which contains Ampicillin and Cloxacillin. It is used in treating bacteria infections. This is the most widely used drug in Nigeria among people of all ages whether being prescribed by a doctor or through self medication. Actually I don’t know how it became so popular among its peer maybe probably because it’s an antibiotic but the fact is there are plenty other antibiotics. in this article, we will be addressing the common misconceptions of the antibiotic. I want you to know that, Ampiclox is not a:
Most ladies use this drug after sex in hopes that it will act as an emergency contraceptive and this idea is totally wrong as it does nothing of such. Read about emergency contraceptives HERE

The area where it is greatly abused is after sexual intercourse which would make me concentrate more on this area. Both guys and ladies take Ampiclox immediately after sexual intercourse thinking it would kill all kinds of micro-organisms including viruses and fungi. This is so shameful because the educated folks partake in this awkward habit. For so many years the use of the drug has been abused by sex lovers who often pop one capsule after unprotected intercourse with the aim of cleansing the blood.I can still remember the case of a girl who wanted to abort and was planning to use postinor2 with some capsules of Ampiclox to carry out the act.
Though the use of the drug after unprotected sex reduces the risk of infection. However it can aid the development of resistance by bacteria against the drug. This is simply telling you the risks outweigh the benefits. Development of resistance strains means you could get infected with a stronger strain of bacteria upon irrational usage of the drug.Hence it is bad to pop a capsule of Ampiclox after sex because the risks outweigh the benefits.

I have been in a situation where someone said he took Ampiclox to wash the body system, please what is the person washing or when did Ampiclox become a detergent?😂😂😂 IT is a wrong misconception and must be stopped
  It is not taken one two times daily. It is taken one capsule every six hours for a minimum of 5 days to avoid  . We need to be careful with whatever we take. Talk to your physician

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